Preschool storytime–Birthday


Hello song (with uke): Hands are clapping/Hey hey how are you

Welcome song (with uke): Willoughby Wallaby Woo

House of Sounds/Letter of the day: B

Book 1: Benny Bakes a Cake, by Eve Rice.  Many books are great for storytime because they are silly, loud, and interactive.  Other, rarer books are great because they are just simple stories that believably portray moments in children’s real lives and the feelings that can happen around them.  (The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats is a shining example of this).  Like The Snowy Day, I have seen kids become enthralled by this quiet story of a young boy helping his mother bake his birthday cake, then being bitterly disappointed when his mischievous dog knocks the cake down and eats it.  You could cut the tension with a knife when we discover that Ralph ruined the cake–but they are always so happy for Benny when his dad surprises him with a new cake.  I love any opportunity to point out that feelings are okay and you can feel good again after something bad happens.  Plus, you get to sing “Happy Birthday” to Benny at the end.  This book is GOLD.


Book 2: If You Give a Pig a Party, by Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond.  I have literally been reading this book in storytime for like, 8 years, and I only just discovered the hiding places of the other animals in the “hide and seek” spread.  Also: the pillow fight spread is one of my favorite bits of illustration in children’s books, period.  Basically this is my favorite from the “If You Give a…” series.


Song with pig puppet: Peppa had a (color) balloon.  I got this from YouTube years ago and can’t seem to find it again.  I put a balloon in my pig puppet’s mouth and ask the kids what color it is.  Then we sing:

Peppa had a (blue) balloon,

she blew and blew and blew it. (expand arms like a balloon getting bigger)

Her mother said you’d better stop (wag finger)

Oops!  Too late she popped it!  (clap hands–I slap my knee then have the puppet drop the balloon into my bag)

We repeat this for all the colors.


Book 3: Pop! Went Another Balloon! by Keith Faulkner and Rory Tyger.  I love the segue between book 2, the balloon song, and this book.  Plus, this one is loud and fun and a great note to end on.  I have the kids clap their hands when a balloon pops.  It’s awesome for learning subtraction, and they always love repeating–in a much-aggrieved tone– “Those pesky birds!”


Closing song (with uke): Baby Shark

Goodbye song: Icky Sticky Bubble Gum

Activity: party with balloons and bubbles!  I found this video showing how to make balloon hats, so I made some ahead of time and blew up regular balloons for us to play with.  I turned on some music and our light show and we had a great time!


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