Baby Storytime–scarf activity

Last week I talked about using scarves and bells during my baby time with Mother Goose on the Loose.  I like the activities listed in the handbook, but I have recently been looking for something new to do with the scarves.  (Any suggestions?  Please comment below!)  I had ordered Musical Scarves and Activities by Kimbo and Georgiana Stewart, but I didn’t have it yet.  One thing I hadn’t tried was to wave scarves to music, but I was afraid that unless it was just the right song (preferably lending itself to some activity with the scarf other than waving) the kids in my storytime might get bored.

On my Raffi CD Songs for the Very Young, I found a song called There’s a Spider on the Floor.  Go here to see a very cute performance of it by Smiles Mcgyles.  In case, like me, you are not familiar with this song, it is sung to the tune of “There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea” (more or less).  Basically, the spider starts out on the floor, then works his way up the singer’s body.  I can see this being a huge hit with older kids (note the peals of laughter on the YouTube link above), but I didn’t think my under-two set would go for it.  But I did like the idea of pretending that the scarf was something (a bird, maybe?) and putting it on our arms, legs, heads–a great activity for reinforcing the names of body parts.  Soooo, with that–here is my scarf-friendly version of the song:

There’s a bird in the air, in the air (pinch scarf in the middle, then flap it in the air like a bird)

There’s a bird in the air, in the air

There’s a bird in the air, now he’s flying in my hair (put “bird” on hair)

There’s a bird in the air, in the air.

There’s a bird on my leg, on my leg (put “bird” on leg)

There’s a bird on my leg, on my leg

There’s a bird on my leg, and he is pretty big

There’s a bird on my leg, on my leg.

There’s a bird on my hand, on my hand (put “bird” on hand)

There’s a bird on my hand, on my hand

There’s a bird on my hand, but now he is my friend

There’s a bird on my hand, on my hand

Optional verse–if group is all moms (mine usually is)

There’s a bird on my tummy, on my tummy (put “bird” on tummy)

There’s a bird on my tummy, on my tummy

There’s a bird on my tummy, maybe now he’ll fly on mommy (invite children to make “bird” fly on mom!)

There’s a bird on my tummy, on my tummy


You get the idea.  Of course, if you want to add body parts, all you have to do is find a rhyme for it (or even a pseudo-rhyme like “tummy” and “mommy”, or “hand” and “friend”.

For more scarf activities, check out this and this.  The second link is where I got the idea to use scarves for Pat-a-cake, and I now use that all the time!

11 thoughts on “Baby Storytime–scarf activity

  1. I do a rhyme called “Popcorn” when I use scarves and it’s always been a big hit. There are variations of it out there but the rhyme I use goes like this:
    Put the popcorn in the pan
    And it gets nice and hot (hold scarf in hand and shake side to side)
    Sizzle, Sizzle, Sizzle….POP! (Toss scarf into the air on the word pop)

  2. Scarves are so much fun. I have the kids in my day care throw them in the air and clap several times before they catch them. They can also throw them in the air and spin around then catch them. The scarves float down slow enough that they are usually successful at catch them. The can also throw them up with the right hand and catch it with the left. Gets them using both both sides of their body. They can throw them up and catch them with different body parts. And a couple kids can put a foam ball in the middle and toss the ball in the air with the scarf. I hope this gives you more ideas!!

  3. This idea is great! I’ve been racking my brain and the internet for something new to add to my repertoire. I love your blog already.

  4. Hello! I also run a MGOL program. I do Popcorn Kernels, We wave our scarves together, Shoo Fly don’t Bother me, There’s a bird in the Air. I also do Rolly Polly with a scarf. Rolly Polly Rolly Polly, Up, Up, Up, Rolly Rolly Polly Rolly Rolly Polly Down down down (out/in, fast slow). The tune is to “Are you Sleeping” which is the same tune I use for Popcorn Kernels so I do them one after the other. Hope this helps!

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